Counterfeiting and violations of intellectual property rights (IPR) were still rampant, with the perpetrators operating outside and within the country employing advanced technologies and running sophisticated schemes.
Viet Nam is to host a meeting for the heads of customs agencies from Asia and Europe on October 9-10 in Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province, according to deputy chief of the General Department of Vietnam Customs Mai Xuan...
The General Department of Customs has required the customs departments of provinces and cities to intensify inspections to fight origin-related fraud, violations of intellectual property (IP) rights and illegal transport of import and export goods.
The HCM City Department of Science and Technology has been trying to commercialise research outcomes by linking demand and supply, investing to bring technologies to the market and helping register intellectual property rights.
Viet Nam will continue to ensure enforcement of intellectual property rights violations and strictly deal with violators, representatives of the Market Surveillance Agency (MSA) under the Ministry of Industry and Trade said at a forum on raising IPR awareness held...
Improving enforcement of intellectual property rights
(IPR) would assist the process of technology transfers, develop new
products and motivate the creativity of the business community, speakers
said during a conference in Ha Noi.
Enforcement efforts will be intensified to achieve Viet Nams goal of
effectively protecting of intellectual property rights and upholding
IP-related international commitments, the Ministry of Science and
Technologys Chief Inspector has promised.
The Government agencies of economic crime investigation, inspection,
border guard and customs have experienced major challenges in dealing
with increasing violations of intellectual property rights...
The Ministry of Industry and Trade announced yesterday in Ha Noi that
100 industrial products from rural areas had earned an "outstanding"
distinction this year.
Viet Nam expects to lower its software piracy rate to 75 per cent in the
coming period, according to an official of the Ministry of Culture,
Sports and Tourism.
As intellectual property rights are becoming increasingly important in
international trade, experts urged Vietnamese companies to pay attention
to overseas trademark protection registration.
Close co-ordination between customs agencies and enterprises is crucial
for the protection of intellectual property rights as well as the
prevention and detection of violations.